Gnostic Sophistries…

Insights on Gnosticism and Alternatives to Christian orthodoxy

The Soul Farm: A New Cosmology

[Note: Over 90 percent of the articles at this blog address issues of theology, scripture and scholarship, all in relation to the Bible and Gnostic doctrine. This essay is an exception and it rightly belongs under the categories of cosmology and speculation. Some readers will consider this essay to be a work of excess; but I believe it’s all a reflection of something that is true, to make sense of a world that is not entirely sane. I refer to an old story that the early Gnostics expressed in the language of their time. –jw]


–An ET Account of Human origins
–Questioning the Narrative
–The Counter-Narrative
–The Cosmic Drama
–The Origin of “Life”

Notes & Elucidations


The “Soul Farm” is the retelling of an old story in the language of our time. Its words and images reflect the knowledge & mystery of our current age. In ancient Gnostic myth this was the story of the Fall of Sophia, which tells the story of how the material cosmos came into existence as the antithesis to the Spiritual order above. The story reveals how Human souls originated as sparks from Sophia’s Divine essence, and how these souls became trapped in the material cosmos and are held prisoners by the Archons, viz. the Cosmic Rulers which are identified with the celestial bodies. The Archons originate from a different part of Sophia’s being and they represent her personal demons. They are the products of her Confusion, Fear, Grief and Rage. All of this is a metaphor for an existential reality that is expressed in symbolic language.

In this essay I will offer a new version of this story–of how the Divine Sparks fell from the Divine Pleroma into the bonds of this material prison. However, the readers should be advised that this essay is not an abstract psychological metaphor as some readers may suppose. This is a story that describes something that is literally true; just as the ancient Gnostic metaphors regarding the cosmos were in reference to something that is literally true, to explain the origin and meaning of existence. The meaning is not purely psychological, it also applies to our literal place in the cosmos and the Gnostic quest to recover the lost knowledge of where we came from and how we got lost, and how we are redeemed.

In the preceding phrase I echo the words of the early Gnostic sage, Theodotus. He was a member of the Valentinian school and excerpts of his writings were preserved by Clement of Alexandria. He expressed these words regarding the concept of “gnosis” and understanding our place in the cosmic order:

“Before baptism it is said that Fate is real. But after baptism the astrologers are no longer correct. Baptism alone does not liberate us, but gnosis: who we were, what we have become, where we came from, where we have sunk, where we are going, from where we are redeemed, what birth is, and what rebirth is.” (Excerpta Ex Theodoto, 78)

In the above passage Theodotus affirmed the popular doctrine of the time that the fate of humans and worldly events were determined by the celestial bodies. He taught that baptism and gnosis were the keys to liberation from the cosmic forces of fate. His words do not refer to a strictly psychological state or to abstract philosophical ideas. The concept of knowledge or gnosis refers to an initiation into a new understanding of our place in the cosmic order.

The words of Theodotus are an historic statement of the issue that I propose to address. This theme involves our connection to the stars and to past events and powers that are rooted among the stars. St. Paul referred to this issue in 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 and Ephesians 6:12 which makes reference to heavenly “principalities and powers” and “spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places”.

It is a very important theme among the ancient Gnostics and ancient pagans in general that human existence is connected to and governed by the stars. Historians typically regard this view of the stars as superstition; but I’d like to propose another interpretation which is that this view of the stars is the result of a deep psychological connection that is based on a lost history, a lost memory, that humanity is now on the verge of uncovering.


The Renaissance and the rise of modern science has led to paradigm altering changes in how we see the world around us. For example, in the modern age we understand that the world is not flat and is not the center of the universe. These very basic concepts mark our transition from a world defined by popular fables to a world defined by logic and mathematics. But there are still mysteries to be revealed that will further transform how we see the universe and our place in it. The next shoe to drop is that we are about to discover that we are not alone in the universe. It’s another part of our innocence that we are about to lose. And whether we are followers of science or theology, we will no longer have the comfort or the assurance that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, and that there is no competition.

In June of 2021 the US government released an unprecedented report on UFOs that now confirms everything that our leaders had previously denied for decades [1]. The government has finally admitted that there are unidentified objects operating in our skies, and the nature and origin of these objects are unknown. Our government also admits that it has no control over these objects or to prevent them from operating in restricted air-space. Now, the government has not explicitly confirmed that alien life exists but they also do not rule it out–that option is now on the table [2]. This is a huge concession by itself. And now there are scientists in academic circles who are getting behind the Extraterrestrial hypothesis, because mathematically it is highly unlikely that we humans are alone–let alone that we would exist without a connection to anything else [3].

Even before the aforementioned report, the Pentagon had already vouched for the authenticity of Navy pilot films which show unidentified craft engaging in impossible maneuvers. In July of 2020 a New York Times article was published where retired senator Harry Reid and a Pentagon consultant named Erik Davis both indicated that the Pentagon is in possession of extraterrestrial artifacts. Davis is reported to have given classified briefings on the issue to key high level committees in Congress. In reference to these briefings Harry Reid commented, quote: “It is extremely important that information about the discovery of physical materials or retrieved craft come out.” This is after decades of rumor and government denial. [4]

I mention these current events because they are evidence of an emerging pattern where rumors that have circulated for decades, and have been vehemently denied by government officials, are now turning out to have basis in fact [5]. There is much more to this story; but the bottom line is that we humans are going to enter a new age of awareness where we will have direct knowledge of other extra-terrestrial and para-terrestrial civilizations. This will also lead to new game-changing information about our own human history and origins.

The revelations of which I speak are tied to another avenue of expanding knowledge which is unfolding via NASA and its many missions, both past and present. We live in an age now where NASA’s massive collection of images have been converted to digital files that are now available on the internet. The digital format allows these images to be accessed and examined in a clarity that was never possible before. Presently this new digital collection is being examined by more people than ever before and a pattern of evidence has been discovered. Some NASA pictures taken on the Moon and Mars show evidence of unnatural formations, in the form of ruins and debris fields. Another term for this would be “archeological sites”. [6]

Now of course some readers will react and dismiss this interpretation right away–even before they see the evidence. But this knee-jerk skepticism has not stopped the spread of this issue into the research of reputable scientists and physicists. The discoveries being made by NASA are leading to new and unprecedented theories being discussed among scientists.

The evidence that NASA has collected on Mars has led one reputable physicist to propose that Mars was destroyed by nuclear war. This is the proposition of Dr. John Brandenburg as set forth in his book “Death on Mars”. As the title implies, Dr. Brandenburg proposes that there was an ancient civilization on Mars that was destroyed by nuclear weapons. He describes this event as a “genocide”. Dr. Brandenburg is a well-known and reputable physicist with a long career working for the Pentagon. His book is a bold proposition for someone in his position; and some people suspect this is a form of back-door disclosure. If this is true then Dr. Brandenburg’s thesis isn’t just a disclosure, it is also a warning regarding the deeper issues involved. [7]

Dr. Brandenburg’s thesis represents a major precedent in modern science. For the first time the idea is seriously proposed that 1) there was intelligent life and a civilization on Mars, and 2) that this civilization was destroyed by war on a very large scale. The theory is not being roundly denounced or dismissed by Dr. Brandenburg’s peers. These theories are becoming part of the discourse because the evidence is not that easy to explain away.

Now of course what Dr. Brandenburg proposes is a theory. And personally, I don’t claim to know what happened on Mars. But I do believe there is plausible evidence that civilizations once existed, or had a presence, on the Moon and Mars. More important, this is evidence that a civilization once existed in our solar system on a much larger scale than what we have known on Earth. The implication is that our current civilization exists in the wake of some other lost age, and we are only beginning to become aware of it. But our ancient traditions such as Babylonian and Greek mythology, and the Bible, and the writings of Plato (“Atlantis”), and the Hindu Vedas, may all hold clues about this lost age. The evidence implies that we humans are orphans left over from some other lost civilization, and we have lost our knowledge of who we were and where we came from.


Another avenue of emerging knowledge is the phenomenon of Extra-terrestrial contact. Some readers may be familiar with the stories of abductions by little “Grey” aliens; or the stories of contact with enlightened humanoids from Venus or the Pleiades. Among the best documented abduction/ contact cases are Betty & Barney Hill, Travis Walton and the Billy Meier case.

Regarding the alleged encounters with the Greys: There are many abduction cases that have been compiled by accredited experts such as Dr. David Jacobs and the late Dr. John Mack of Harvard [8]. I won’t get into a deep summary of all this material; but I will mention the most common and consistent theme that these cases share in common, i.e. what the abductees consistently witness in the course of their encounters. This theme is one of genetic engineering and that we humans are a hybrid.

Typically in abduction cases humans are kidnapped and subjected to invasive examinations that involve extracting genetic tissue and also the planting and retrieving of fetuses. Some witnesses recall seeing a lab and the presence of human fetuses in clear containers. Other witnesses report seeing body parts and corpses.

It’s also a common pattern in these cases that the abductors provide no useful information to their victims regarding their identities and purpose of their activities. The most detailed information obtained by any abductee is probably Betty Hill. She claims to have witnessed a star map with stars linked with a network of lines. She asked her abductors what these lines represented and they answered that they were “trade routes” between stars. Under hypnosis a copy of this map was retrieved from Betty’s memory, in the form of a crude drawing. Later an astronomer commented that the drawing resembled Zeta Reticuli. Of course this is a wild guess because it assumes that this star map was created as seen from Earth, or that the drawing is completely accurate. This evidence is weak. That map could show anything; and this amounts to the best information we have from the so-called “Greys” regarding their origins and purposes.

Among contactee cases, which we can define as consensual abduction and dialogue, the best among this category comes from Switzerland viz. the Billy Meier case [9]. Being one of the best documented cases, no one has been able to debunk all the evidence, which exists in a variety: pictures, metal samples, sound recordings and dialogues. No one has been able to explain or debunk it all–let alone prove that Meier somehow fabricated all this with the use of only one arm. To my knowledge, no one in Meier’s alleged production crew has ever come forward to take credit or receive a paycheck.

In terms of implications, the most significant portion of Meier’s evidence is the dialogues. This is the information that Meier received from his contacts, which he preserved in writing.

Meier’s contacts present themselves as friendly and helpful, and they provide a narrative of where Earthly humans supposedly originate and how we ended up in our present condition. Now I know that some readers will be skeptical of this information. There is also the issue that Billy Meier has presented himself as an incarnated guru similar to doctrines taught by the Theosophical Society. Meier sees himself as an incarnation belonging to the line of great spiritual teachers such as Jesus and Muhammad. But instead of his connections being the “ascended masters” it is an extraterrestrial human race that claims to be from the Pleiades. Meier attributed his status to information given by his contacts, that they chose him for special reasons because his soul belongs to some special cosmic pedigree [10]. Krishnamurti told a similar story regarding the ascended masters and their reasons for choosing him.

To clarify my position on the issue: I believe Meier’s experiences are real just as Krishnamurti’s experiences were real. And Krishnamurti affirmed his experiences were real even as he came to reject the wisdom and the authority of these ascended masters. Meier’s claims have a context that I will get into, but this is only one part of a much bigger story, with many insights worth considering. And again, as absurd as some of Meier’s claims may seem, no one has been able to debunk all the evidence involved.

But again some skeptics may object and they may ask: “Why did these ETs choose Billy Meier out in the middle of Switzerland? Why not visit the Whitehouse or the UN if their message is so important?”

If we ask Meier’s contacts, it is because Meier’s soul is unique and for this reason only he alone is suitable for a connection. But setting this excuse aside, I’d like to offer another explanation that is worth considering: Perhaps they did try to contact our governments and our leaders suppressed the information.

The government’s historic practice of secrecy and suppression of UFO/ Contact cases is a well-known pattern among researchers. Some may recall Jimmy Carter’s pledge back in the 70s to end UFO secrecy if elected president. The issue is real. On the other hand, the government’s suppression of such information related to the Meier case may be justified. Some details from Meier’s contacts are disturbing and I don’t believe it would be a simple matter to disclose this officially to the public. It’s one thing for me to repeat information in an essay, it’s another for the government to officially endorse and disseminate an account to the public. There’s also the question of whether Meier’s contacts are completely honest and forthcoming with their information? –or if they are controlling their information in the interest of another agenda? All of these issues come into play, I will explain below.

–An ET Account of Human origins

Out of concern for space and also the skepticism of many readers, I will attempt a brief and concise summary of the basic message from Meier’s contacts, which concerns our human origins and our place in the cosmos. But I also want the readers to be aware of my approach to this report and the context in which I view this information. I’m not saying that all this information is literally true, although it could be. My intuitive feeling is that this information is a reflection of something that is true. If there is an ET reality around us then this is a sketch of what it looks like and how we are connected with it–and how our myths may reflect it. I believe it all has the shape of something that is true.

The primary source for the narrative below is from Billy Meier’s Contact Report 251. This report is unique among all the others because it is the point where Meier ties everything together from the earlier dialogues with his contacts. It is here that Meier finally establishes an overall picture of the cosmic history of humanity and human origins on Earth. I will offer a concise summary of the dialogue while the readers can view the original document for themselves [11].

According to Meier’s contacts: Human races have long existed in three different regions of the cosmos, among the stars we associate with Vega (Lyra), Sirius (Canis Major) and the Pleiades cluster [12]. These races and civilizations evolved over hundreds of millions of years. Meier’s contacts claim to be from a planet called “Erra” in the Pleiades region. Meier refers to them as the “Plejarens”.

Warfare is a defining theme in their history: it is said that the civilizations of Vega and Sirius were torn by strife and warfare, which led to the migration of refugees, and that’s how intelligent human life made its way to Earth. Our current human race is a hybrid that originates from refugees who came to this solar system from Sirius [13]. Exactly when this arrival occurred is open to question based on their statements. The general round figure is about 230,000 years ago (more on this topic below).

The Plejaran story of our ancestors is like something out of a science fiction movie, like Star Wars or Blade Runner [14]. The Sirian civilization is described as dystopian: it is a collection of over-crowded planets that was ruled by an elite class, or what we would call an “oligarchy”. This “elite class” was so ancient and so advanced that they were like gods and they genetically engineered numerous sub-races for themselves. One of these sub-races was engineered for military purposes; and this was where our ancestors originated. They were a special breed of genetically modified soldiers who served as the police-force for this pure-bred Sirian elite. Eventually these soldiers developed their own sense of identity and common interest. They began making demands and this led to conflict with their overlords.

The main issue of contention is that the soldiers had genetically engineered mutations to limit their life-spans, so that they could not outlive or evolve beyond their superiors and become a threat. The Plejarens say these genetic mutations are part of our human genome to this very day. It is the source of our limited life spans as well as diseases like cancer and other chronic degenerative conditions [15]. (Note: It is a fact that the human species has far more genetic mutations and diseases than any other species on Earth.)

Our ancestors were little more than a race of slaves with enhanced fighting skills but also of limited intelligence and limited opportunities in life. And there was no place for them among the main-stream populations whom they were often used against. They were viewed as pariahs by most main-stream Sirians.

Meanwhile, there was political infighting among the pure-bred Sirian elite which was divided into factions. One of these factions was sympathetic toward the plight of the genetically modified soldiers, and they saw an opportunity to use the situation to incite a revolt. This pure-bred Sirian faction was at odds with the regime over tyrannical laws which included draconian restrictions on childbearing. The supposed purpose of the laws was to control over-population. But in practice the laws were applied unevenly for the benefit of the majority faction, while the smaller minority factions were being slowly bred out. [16]

This pure-bred Sirian faction offered liberty to the soldiers if they joined their cause. They joined forces in a rebellion; but in the end the rebel movement was forced to flee from Sirius. In the course of the mutiny, they were able to commandeer a fleet of ships which allowed them to make their escape. They eventually found their way to this solar system, which is some eight light-years distance. It’s an important theme in this story that political strife, revolt & warfare are what caused the migration of our ancestors to this solar system.

Once our ancestors arrived they settled on two planets, one of which was Mars, and the other is a lost planet that was once in orbit where the asteroid belt is now. Meier’s contacts refer to this lost planet as “Malona”. Astronomers have long theorized the presence of a lost 5th planet based on the Titus-Bode Law. This hypothetical planet is called “Phaeton” in astronomy. Meier’s contacts claim to know the real story and it involves the fate of our ancestors. [17]

It is also mentioned that Earth was not the preferred destination of our ancestors in the beginning. The planet’s environment was considered to be inhospitable for their biology and quality of life. They used the Earth as a penal colony for the criminals and rebels among the settlers (note the mention of dissension). It’s an interesting detail in the story that the first human settlers on Earth were criminals and rebels. [18]

Our ancestors settled and prospered for an age on Malona and Mars. They built a Golden Age civilization that may very-well be the basis for the Golden Age of Saturn or the Lost Age of Atlantis. But then tragedy struck. The story from Meier’s contacts on how this situation unraveled is somewhat murky. I will get into the details of the problems below. To summarize here, Mars was devastated by a rogue comet that the Plejarens call the “Destroyer” [19]. And then the inhabitants of Malona blew up their entire planet in a civil war, which occurred about 73,000 years ago [20]. Thus our ancestors had a civilization in this solar system for about 150,000 years and then it was all destroyed in a war.

As a result of the tragic events mentioned above, the few survivors came to the Earth because it was the only habitable planet left. But in order to better adopt to the environment the settlers created a hybrid using DNA from a primitive native species. However, their hybrid descendants turned out to be unstable and unruly. Over time the original settlers died out and all that was left was their hybrid descendants. The other remaining party was the pure-bred Sirians and they with-drew from the hybrid and refused to support it. The result was that the hybrid declined into abject poverty, ignorance and barbarism while the pure-bred Sirians still possessed the advanced technology and lived in their own high-tech enclaves. Over time the impoverished hybrid came to see the pure-bred Sirians as gods because they no longer had any knowledge of their ancestral connections. The pure-bred Sirians with-held all knowledge and gave them fables and lies instead [21].

Supposedly these pure-bred Sirians see it as their mission to make sure that the hybrid never acquires advanced knowledge or ever learns of its true heritage and origin, because they believe the hybrid is corrupt. These Sirians also spread disinformation among humans to lead them away from the right path that would lead to the truth–and to this end they have influenced the evolution of our organized religions and traditions. Even the evolution of our modern science is influenced in such a way in order to keep people’s minds limited or closed. According to Meier’s contacts, this is all the result of a clandestine governance by these pure-bred Sirians, to keep Earthly humans ignorant and confined to this planet. [22]

Finally: Billy Meier’s contacts, the “Plejarens”, claim to have travelled 400 light years, all the way from the Pleiades, to get involved in human affairs and to offer a solution to our current situation.

This is the basic Plejaren account. On its face it seems like a meaningful and plausible narrative of our hidden history. However, there are problems with this account, which is that the account is shaped by bias and omissions. Any logical person can see it; and it’s the sort of thing that interrogators are trained to look for. The Plejaren account shows signs of being a controlled release of information, with facts they want to conceal and agendas they want to protect.

Now of course the skeptics will say that this is evidence that Billy Meier is a fraud and that he failed to create an air-tight story. But given all the evidence involved in the case, I believe there is another explanation that we must be willing to consider: Billy Meier is telling the truth, and the disinformation is coming from his contacts.

–Questioning the Narrative

Briefly I will summarize the problems with the Plejaren account, viz. the systematic omission of key information, and I will offer a plausible scenario of what we’re not being told and why.

First, the Plejarens do not give a complete and consistent timeline for when these events occurred. For example, they do not provide a date for our ancestors’ arrival from Sirius. They give a date for a human colony from Vega which is not central to their story, viz. 230,000 BC; but they won’t give the date for the arrival of our ancestors. Based on the dates they have given, all of these alleged events took place somewhere between 230,000 BC and 70,000 BC. [23]

The Plejarens also don’t provide a complete account of how Malona and Mars were destroyed. First they say that Mars was destroyed by a rogue comet called the “Destroyer”. But they give no date for when this event occurred; and they give no verifiable information regarding the comet’s orbit based on the natural physics that govern all orbiting bodies [24]. There is simply no way to verify their story which involves the fate of an entire planet and population.

Next, the Plejarens say that Malona was destroyed “73,000 years ago” by a civil war. According to their story one of the factions drilled into the planet’s core, and exposed the core to the planet’s sea-water which caused the entire planet to split apart and disintegrate [25]. And supposedly their pure-bred Sirian leaders just stood back and allowed an entire planet to be obliterated; and allowed the innocent to perish along with the guilty. On its face the story doesn’t add up. It’s also suspicious that while these pure-bred Sirians are said to still exist, none of our original ancestors survive. How and why they all died out is not explained. According to the Plejarens, the survivors from Malona fled to the Earth and we humans are what remains.

These omissions leave the very uncomfortable impression that Meier’s contacts aren’t telling a straight story for how Mars and Malona were destroyed and why their populations perished. It’s a very important point in the Plejaren history of our ancestors: that in the history of our solar system there were two other populated worlds that were destroyed along with most of their populations–and we humans are what’s left over. And regarding the fate of Malona, Meier’s contacts leave the impression that they are telling the story so as to make it appear that our ancestors simply killed themselves.

Another set of omissions is that the Plejarens do not reveal any names of the planets our ancestors came from; nor do they give the cultural transliteration of Sirius. They can give the name of the lost 5th planet but they won’t give the name of the civilization or planets that our ancestors fled from. This could be interpreted to mean that they are concealing and protecting the identity of the Sirian regime and civilization. It also raises the question of whether they are connected with the fate of our ancestors and the “Plejarens” are omitting that part of the story?

Next there is the relationship between the Plejarens and the Greys: The Plejarens deny that the abduction phenomenon exists or that the Greys are involved in such activities. They claim instead that the abduction phenomenon is propaganda spread by the government. They also say at the same time that they have never had contact with the Greys and that the said Greys have no knowledge of the Plejarens and their presence in our solar system [26]. I find these statements from Meier’s contacts to be extremely doubtful and suspicious; and it leaves the impression that they are covering for the Greys and lying about their relationship with them.

It should also be noted that while there is supposedly no connection between the Plejarens and the Greys, that they still share the common theme of genetic engineering and hybridization, viz. that we humans are a hybrid. I don’t believe this shared theme is a coincidence.

Now we must look at the implications of the omissions and bias in the Plejaren account. To be clear about what is meant by “bias”: I mean that the Plejarens tell their story in such a way as to impute blame on our ancestors for the fate of Malona, and to impute blame on the pure-bred Sirians for the human condition on Earth. They also speak in favor of the Greys and impute blame on abductees and our government, and they insist that the abduction phenomenon is just a big tissue of lies. Another form of bias, and omission, together, is that the Plejarens do not reveal the true name of the Sirian civilization or the planets our ancestors came from. This implies that the Sirians–whoever they are–actually play a larger role in this affair than the “Plejarens” would have us know.

The bias and the omissions of key data in the Plejaren account also have value and meaning and point to another version of this story that must be considered. If the omissions and bias are subtracted from this story then the alternative–what the Plejarens appear to be concealing–is that Malona and Mars perished together in the same event, and the true perpetrators are being concealed. The dubious language of the Plejarens points to the Greys and the “Sirian” regime that our ancestors rebelled against.

–The Counter-Narrative

The Plejarens aren’t really from the Pleiades and they did not travel 400 light years just to spread disinformation to Billy Meier [27]**. Reading between the lines and between the omissions and the lies: Meier’s contacts are a party that represent the Sirians and the Greys. Their story of how and why the human hybrid was created on Earth is a cover-story to conceal that the Sirian regime and the Greys created the hybrid after eradicating our ancestors. The Greys are a mercenary force employed by the Sirians and they are in charge of managing the hybrid (us). We humans are a hybrid derivative of a race that was here before us. Their civilization was destroyed in a military action that was orchestrated from Sirius.

And regarding the fate of our ancestors and the fate of Malona and Mars: I propose that a war did occur among our war-like ancestors, that part of their story rings true. Here is my plausible theory of what the Plejarens aren’t telling us: This civil war led to the Sirian regime getting involved because one of the factions wanted to re-align with Sirius. The Sirians sent a military force and eradicated all of the rebel opposition and they obliterated the planet of Malona and they left Mars in a permanent state of devastation. Mars was not destroyed by a “comet”, it was destroyed by warfare and genocide just as Dr. Brandenburg has proposed. There are NASA images which show evidence consistent with an ancient war on Mars. Dr. Brandenburg points to the presence of Xenon 129 as evidence that nuclear weapons were used in a massive attack. [28]

The events described on Malona, the civil war, may be reflected in ancient Greek mythology with the war between the Titans and the Olympians; or in Babylonian myth with the war among the Anunnaki, between Marduk and Tiamat. Both accounts also include the theme of Earthly humans being created from the defeated parties, to replace them. In the Babylonian myth humans are created from the blood of Tiamat’s chief counsel Kingu, who was executed by Marduk after Tiamat was slain [29]. Some researchers believe Tiamat is actually a symbol of the lost 5th planet, Phaeton or Malona. In Greek mythology Orpheus taught that Mankind was created from the blood of the Titans who were defeated by Zeus and sent to the underworld. Both Hesiod and Ovid wrote of the Golden Age of Saturn (King of the Titans) and a “golden race” which perished after Zeus (Jupiter) drove Saturn from heaven. A new race of humans emerged under Zeus [30].

These ancient accounts may reflect the history that is to some extent revealed and also concealed by Meier’s contacts. The basic theme is that there was another age of civilization which was destroyed in a war and a genocide, and we humans were created in the wake of this war as part of a new order. The various myths, including the Gnostic myths, are expressions of our collective sub-conscious memory. I will explain this concept below at the appropriate place.

–The Cosmic Drama

There is still a war going on between Sirian factions over the fate of this solar system and the hybrid. This is the hidden back-ground and context behind the Plejaren message and its bias and omissions. The Plejarens disseminate half-truths because there is a conflict and they are threatened by another version of events that is being offered to our government by a rival Sirian faction.

The Plejarens have said that the rebel Sirian faction, which helped our ancestors in the beginning, betrayed us and have become our oppressors. Setting their biased report aside: The rebel Sirians did not betray our ancestors and they are not the present governors of this planet. They were forced to flee to save themselves when the Sirian-Greys destroyed Mars and Malona. They have since renewed their war against the Sirian-Greys for control of this solar system, which is still claimed by this rebel Sirian faction. This rebel Sirian faction is also responsible for shooting down the ships piloted by the Greys, such as the ship that crashed near Roswell. Our government is in possession of ET artifacts because someone is shooting their ships out of the sky. These ships are not crashing by accident; and their technology is not passing into Earthly human hands by mere accident.

The fact that we humans know of the Greys is actually a breach of their power and security. The rebel Sirians have damaged their support systems and supply lines, which is why they have resorted to harvesting our cattle and leaving mutilated corpses behind. It is a sign of the chaos of their situation. They also commit crimes against humans and leave their bodies to be found, as a way to send a message and to terrorize our government and military officials.

I propose that the fore-stated is the hidden context behind the “Plejarens” and the disinformation they are disseminating via Billy Meier. The “Plejarens” are attempting to spread a narrative among humans, and to our governments, because the Sirian-Greys are in danger of losing control of the Earth to another Sirian faction. This other Sirian faction is also contacting our governments and presenting another version of events that the other parties don’t want divulged to the hybrid. This information is the truth about who we are, where we came from, and where we are now…


Here now is the proposition that some readers may find to be the most difficult: The Sirian regime murdered our ancestors in a genocide. The Sirian civilization (whoever they are) is millions of years ahead of us. They not only have a vast knowledge of astrophysics, but they also have a vast knowledge of what we would call “occult physics”. They have the ability to create life and handle the soul, and transfer souls to and from bodies. When they eradicated our ancestors they understood that there was a need to bind the restless souls of our dead ancestors. Otherwise those souls would seek revenge and even make their way back to “Sirius” to cause harm. So rather than leave “death” behind the Sirians created new life, and they created our hybrid human race in order to trap and contain the souls of our ancestors. Those souls live on in us.

The Earth is a “soul farm” operation where those souls who were deemed criminals, rebels and fugitives by the Sirian regime are forced through a process of regeneration in an attempt to erase our memories of our origins, our fate, and also our knowledge of Sirius. I refer to an elemental knowledge and memory that is held by the soul and is held collectively. Note: This is also why the Plejarens keep the true identity of “Sirius” concealed.

The soul is an elemental being and it is not a simple matter to control or condition it. It must be forced through a lengthy process of conditioning over a long period of cycles or “life-times”. Our human bodies are containers designed to facilitate our illusory lives and identities which include both intense pleasure and abject suffering. Our brains are a network of computers that create our reality and also control our perceptions–and filter out what we’re not supposed to see or know. [31]

Sex and procreation also play a vital role on the Soul Farm, especially the former. Sexual desire and gratification are the “golden carrot” that keeps the whole illusion going. Without sex most humans would give up and die and the Soul Farm would fail. Procreation serves the vital purpose of splitting the souls of our ancestors into smaller and weaker units. In the beginning, the number of souls was probably less than 500 million. (I can’t claim to know the true figure, I’m using a hypothetical & plausible number to explain a principle.) Let’s say the original number of our ancestors was 300 million souls before the genocide. Through our present human existence and procreation that number has been diluted to seven billion souls. As 7 billion individuals we don’t have the same psychic power that our original ancestors had at 300 million. This makes it easier for our occupiers to control and rule over us. At seven billion souls we still possess the same psychic power collectively, but we do not have the collective unity or knowledge to use it–to try to save ourselves.

The Sirians use the Greys as mercenaries to oversee this whole operation, and that’s why they are involved in the abductions and genetic activities and surveillance. The Plejarens tell the story in such a way as to blame our servitude on our pure-bred Sirian benefactors rather than the Sirian regime that really committed the crimes. The Sirians view our ancestors as rebels and traitors, and they regard the civilization they built in this solar system as an unauthorized enterprise, and a potential threat. Once the Sirians learned of our ancestors’ presence, they wiped it out; and they placed the souls of the dead in a purgatory, which is the Soul Farm.

Now, to state my theme in the context of the ancient doctrines: I’m proposing that the creation of humanity by the “gods” or by the “Demiurge” and the process of transmigration and “karma”–what the Gnostics and many others regard as the cosmic cycle of human existence–is really all the work of an Extra-terrestrial human race; and that the entire enterprise is the result of conflict and turmoil. There is no altruistic motive or purpose behind our existence, and the real purpose of our existence and of our world is deliberately concealed from us. We humans lead our lives struggling to understand ourselves in a world where it seems like we are intentionally programmed to fail and to die. Karma refers to the notion of sin and guilt that must be cleansed through lifetimes. These “lifetimes” torment and purify the soul–but also serves the purpose of causing the soul to lose its identity and its memory. Again, I propose that the true purpose of all this is to make us forget who murdered us and to keep our souls misdirected and occupied. The long-term goal of all this is to recondition our souls for some system of servitude in the future–of the same kind that our distant ancestors (we) had to endure in the past. The bottom line is at the core of our being we are an intelligent energy that someone is trying to condition and utilize.

Some readers may be familiar with Origen, who was one of the early Catholic scholars. In his treatise On the First Principles Origen explained his doctrine that our entire cosmos is like one big purgatory. Of course “purgatory” is not the exact word that he used, but his description of the cosmos and its purpose is consistent with the concept. Origen described the cosmos in the context of Paul’s words in Romans 8:20, that the “creature was made subject to vanity”. Origen explains this as meaning that all the souls from the most lofty celestial bodies (angels) down to the lowest human slaves are “made subject to vanity” as part of a process of purification to separate the obedient from the disobedient & the good from the evil. In the end the “good” are admitted to the presence of God. [32]

In contrast, the early Gnostics also had a version of this cosmic purgatory with their own unique myth and theological slant–which Origen opposed. In the Gnostic version the cosmos exists as a result of Sophia’s suffering because she separated herself from the Divine Fullness. All human souls who share Sophia’s Divine essence also share in her suffering and purification. Sophia is also oppressed by her own demons and they seek to keep her confined and they keep human souls in bondage through the process of transmigration. Sophia’s demons (the Archons) are the celestial bodies that govern the cosmic order. The chief Archon, the Demiurge, created the material bodies in which human souls are imprisoned and subjected to ignorance (or “vanity”).

Once again, I’m merely re-stating the Gnostic doctrine of the cycle of transmigration–birth, and rebirth–using a different metaphor. I use the word “metaphor” because I can’t say that everything I’ve said or shared is exactly true and documented. Rather: I BELIEVE IT ALL HAS THE SHAPE OF SOMETHING THAT IS TRUE. We humans and our dystopian existence on Earth is really just an echo and shadow of a sordid situation that has already long existed.


First, we must begin with a basic premise of what our universe is. Our universe is an eternal, ongoing, endless reaction of energy and matter in which stars go through cycles of life and death and rebirth in an endless, perpetual physical process, that is driven by natural laws. It has no beginning and no end. There is no measure of time involved. It’s always been there and will always be there. There is no “God” or supreme Mind in charge; rather, it’s just a set of natural, physical laws that keep everything in a perpetual state of reaction and motion.

Within this universe there is a level of pure energy and substance that is so pure that it exists in a state of 100% energy efficiency–there is no entropy. This is the Divine realm and it is inherently conscious and it produces conscious Divine beings. The Divine realm or Fullness exists in pools in different locations or dimensions throughout the universe.

There is also a realm of spiritual darkness: it exists as the result of electro-magnetic fields that are generated by inferior elements that are in perpetual states of reaction. These energies seem to reflect the violent, tumultuous lives of the stars. Their energy is toxic in comparison to the Divine energy. And whereas the Divine Energy manifests as pure Joy, the Dark energy manifests as Fear or Rage.

The most distant origin of human existence, which is also the beginning of time, begins as the result of Divine beings who separated from the Divine realm in order to explore and interact with matter. Some Divine beings are attracted to matter because the interaction gives them a sense of definition and the Divine realm acquires definition from the interaction with matter. But the interaction also leads to consequences. Before getting into the consequences I do want to establish the point, the irony, that the Divine realm actually gets its definition from materiality; and that the Divine realm is a reflection of materiality, but without all the negativity. It’s inaccurate to say that all physical things originate from archetypes in the Divine realm. The only things that originate from the Divine realm are consciousness, logic and positive energy (Joy).

The whole conflict of human existence dating back millions of years, in other parts of the cosmos, is the result of Divine beings coming into contact and interacting with matter. This is the true cosmic origin of sin and what it means to be a sinner by nature. It all begins as an innocent process, a simple mistake in innocence; but then, without repentance, the consequences unfold as the Divine energy becomes intoxicated through its contact with matter and the aforementioned inferior energies. This is how a pure Divine being devolves into a conflicted soul that is no longer pure. The soul pursues its existence in connection with matter, believing that it is learning from the experience.

–The Origin of “Life”

In order for the soul to effectively interact with matter the soul needs a physical body to work through. This is the origin of “life” and also technology, as the soul labors to construct machinery at the molecular level. From the tiniest building blocks they eventually developed what became DNA and the human form (and other forms). But this original form was not made from carbon and proteins as our bodies are on Earth. These bodies were superior and our distant pure-bred “Sirian” ancestors had these superior engineered bodies that were developed over millions of years. (Our bodies on Earth are a vastly inferior copy designed for a malicious purpose. We are a hybrid copy of the Sirians made from the DNA of monkeys and pigs, designed to be weak and confined to the Earth’s environment.)

The souls came to love these bodies they created and even worshipped them in a way–not religiously but through devotion to a cause, which was to colonize and bring perfection to the realm of matter. Over time and generations the souls lost their memory of where they came from as their intoxication took hold.

Over time the human forms split into various groups or factions and developed various cultures. Eventually these groups came into conflict; and there were rivalries and these rivalries turned into open warfare. And they developed ways to annihilate each other’s bodies. As this new reality consumed them, the souls lost all memory of their Divine origins and their Joy. They devolved into numerous races of warring, space-faring nations; and they developed advanced technologies to augment their bodies and facilitate their logistics in the material realm. Much of this “progress” was motivated by warfare, by rivalries and vendettas driven by anger and hate.

The aforementioned “anger and hate” were symptoms of the intoxication that resulted from these souls coming into contact with spiritual Darkness. The spiritual Darkness inspired the souls toward depraved forms of behavior, violence and cruelty. Human civilization became influenced by evil and there came to be good and evil factions. This is the cosmic “human” paradigm from which our existence on Earth originates. Our Sirian ancestors may be ancient and advanced, but they are not spiritually pure. Their spirituality is clouded just like us. And just like us they live in a reality that is an illusion.


There are New Age gurus out there who say that we humans made a choice to incarnate in this world. The over-all context of the statement is false but it is based on something that is true. All of the souls on Earth are descendants of Divine beings who made a decision to depart the Divine realm and to interact in the realm of matter. These decisions were made millions of years ago, but since that time our souls have lost control over their identity, their nature and their fate. Our fate at this stage is no longer by consent. It began with consent but consent devolved into fate.

Redemption means to remember who we were and how we ended up in fate. As the result of suffering and hopelessness the soul begins to remember what it lost. This is the desire for repentance and the desire to return–to understand that the soul’s current identity and direction of existence is an error and a lost cause.

The Divine realm is aware of the suffering of the lost souls that still possess a Divine essence. The Divine realm seeks to regather what is lost and what belongs to itself. From the Fullness the Savior is sent forth to minister to the Souls in distress, to give them the gift of the Divine Spirit, to heal them and guide them home again–to give them the sense of where Home is. This is the Divine ministry which is presented as a metaphor in the gospels and in Gnostic myth.

The name “Sophia” means wisdom. Wisdom is what one learns from mistakes and tribulations. The most important, defining act of Wisdom is repentance. Sophia is the symbol of the primeval decision of some Divine beings to leave the Fullness and to interact with matter. Interacting with matter, if it continues for too long in time, leads to intoxication and delusion. From delusion comes error, ignorance, conflict and evil; and finally, bondage and suffering. But if the soul has any Light left then this suffering leads to awakening and repentance; the soul remembers its Divine origin and seeks to return.

In Gnostic myth Sophia and the Divine Sparks, which are the souls of the Elect, are purified together and together they enter into union with the Savior; and together they are reconciled with the Divine Fullness (the “Pleroma”). The message behind this is that the Divine Fullness is engaged and seeks to rescue and to restore what belongs to itself. This process is manifest in the ministry of John the Baptist and in the Spiritual Gospel of Jesus Christ.

An important revelation related to this is that there is no Master of the greater universe. There is only the Divine Fullness and its LIMIT; and its ongoing effort to recover what belongs to itself from materiality. The Divine realm is not a single being, it is a plurality of beings that share a common essence. It is a family, even a nation, with its own governing council–which exists in direct relation to and in necessity of recovering the “lost sheep”.


Some lost souls are so darkened by their exposure that they lose all illumination and they have become absorbed by the lower energies. They can never again remember their origin or have the desire to return. There is no repentance for them. They are lost forever and will spend eternity trapped in the magnetic fields generated by the stars and whatever nightmarish realities they inspire; it is a realm of fire and darkness and dark spirits. These souls will oppose and blaspheme the Divine Spirit.

Before I conclude I want to share an observation regarding the teaching of Mani. He taught that souls came into existence because an army of Darkness invaded the realm of Light. The Light opposed this invasion with its own Army and stopped the army of Darkness; and in the carnage the first souls were formed as the result of Darkness mixing with the Light. The cosmos was then organized as a means to separate the energies of Light from the Darkness which had intermingled in the battle.

With respect to Mani, his doctrine has the truth backward: the conflict was really the result of Light beings, not an army, but explorers and colonists who ventured forth into the realm of materiality and Darkness. The forces of Darkness either want to eject the Light beings or take them captive as trespassers.

The Earth itself is claimed as the property of these Dark beings and they reside in and emanate from the Earth’s core and its magnetic field. They oppose the human presence on this planet; they view humans as trespassers and they wage perpetual war against our civilization and the Soul Farm, seeking human destruction any way they can. The Soul Farm leaves our souls exposed to these hostile entities.

The Earth’s surface is littered with the lost or broken souls of the dead, being damaged as the result of the Soul Farm. Many of them are trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field; and others are merely lost in the field. The ones that are trapped are the ones who have lost their Divine essence and cannot escape the field or the Dark spirits that inhabit it. These are the nightmarish ghosts who continue to haunt and plague the living and even seek the death of the living because they are influenced by Dark spirits. They will spend eternity in their hideous forms, doomed to serve as slaves of the Dark powers.

All human souls of Earth that still have Illumination will remember the Light and will still see the Light after they die. The Earth’s magnetic field cannot hold them. But the Sirians may try to trap them again with techniques they possess, if they fear that these souls are attempting to return to Sirius to seek revenge.

The Key to escaping Fate is to forgive past offenses which will keep the soul attached and bound, and deluded. The key to salvation is to forgive your enemies and seek the Light. Even if you, the reader, don’t believe my story about the “Sirians”, it is still true that one of the ways to severe the soul’s attachments is to forgive those who oppressed you. Forget about it, let it go. It is one of the keys to redemption and salvation. It is the meaning behind Jesus’s teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. Your hatred for your enemies will define and bind you in the afterlife.


Various ancient philosophers and mystics have taught that the world we live in is an illusion. The Gnostics, Platonists, Buddhists and other Eastern mystics have taught variations of this doctrine, which is that the world is an illusion and that the “truth” or “meaning” can only be found through soul-searching or meditation. Even St. Paul taught a version of this doctrine: “We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:18) [33]

The notion that this world is an illusion is not a new idea. I’m just presenting another explanation for how and why this world isn’t real.

If everything I’ve written in this essay is true then what is the purpose of life on Earth, on the Soul Farm? Does life have any meaning at all? Is there anything in this world that is real and worth living for?

Answer: If there is anything real in this life on Earth then it is because of the people we love and care about; our family and friends. This has always been the reality on the ground and everything else is theory or illusion. Your mate, your children, your family, your friends, your community, this is what’s real about life. If everything else is in doubt then love is still the answer.

The other aspect of life’s meaning on Earth is the science of the soul, which is philosophy and soul-searching, also known as the quest for gnosis. The key to the truth is buried in the soul; and concealed within the soul is the Light of another realm and a distant memory and heritage to be discovered.

If the day ever comes that the government reveals everything it knows about “ET” and it turns out to be something similar to what I’ve written here: remember that the soul is what’s real and that our souls make us special, and make us who we are. And it is our relationships and bonds between souls, lovers, family and friends, that make life in this world meaningful and real. This does not change even if it is true that we weren’t created by the hand of God; or that our world is really a prison run by some other civilization, by some other “human” race that views us with contempt. The truth is they’re not better than us. The early Gnostics understood this cosmic reality in their own way–that our struggle is against “principalities and powers” and “spiritual wickedness in the heavens”, and that the Demiurge is a lost and restless soul who is spiritually blind. –jw

Notes and Elucidations (opens a separate page for easy viewing)

By Jim West. Copyright © 2021. Edited 2-18-24.

All Rights Reserved.

2 responses to “The Soul Farm: A New Cosmology”

  1. Very interesting to see someone connecting all the topics. I’m a seeker since 89 and i think i plowed through every non-mainstream topic out there, always trying to get the big picture. I was obsessed with “remembering” and finding my way home, whatever that really means.

    I’m definitely gonna reread your article a million times, because you wrote down some thoughts i often played with. By the way, i live five miles south from Billy Meiers Farm. I was always convinced that he is honest but that they were feeding him partial BS. After being in the Channeling, UFO, and New Age Circus for so long it always felt like a huge Propaganda War, all the Storys and Counter-storys. I was always very interested in Geopolitics and all the Wars, there is so much more going on.

    Btw, there is a former Psychologist named Ulrich Kramer who uses a similar Process like L. Ron Hubbart used. By collecting the Sessions he had over the course of 40 years, with his Clients, he paints a Picture similar to what you were describing. Some other findings by an Archeologist named Dr. Heinrich Kusch in Austria also brought up some interesting findings in Caverns which point in the direction of this bigger Narrative.

    There is definitively something big going on between different Factions, Cover Ups and the whole Disclosure that is popping up again. There are definitely some honest Folks in this new Push, People like Captain Fravor and the Folks around Senator Burchett are for real. i had some weird gut feelings about Dave Grusch, because there are just too many BS People in that Field, but we will see.

    There seems to be a big push to just blow up everything once more in a World war. i guess that could be an Option to try to prevent a real Disclosure 🤷‍♂️

    Many open Questions, but thx for connecting the Dots in this way.

    Greets from Switzerland


    1. Greetings Chris,

      Thank you for the encouraging words. If you ever do visit Billy, please tell him I said “Hi” 🙂

      Let me know if you ever have any questions. You can also reach me in private at

      Happy Holidays 🙂

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Greetings. My name is Jim West.

I set up Gnostic Sophistries as a space where I can share my research and insights on ancient Gnostic theology and the New Testament. Read more: About

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